After another great workshop in Horsham on the first Saturday in September we are back south of the downs for October. The first Saturday is actually the first day of the month, so not long! Usual time 2-5pm. Sorry, I can’t fit in Nei-gong beforehand but you are welcome to join us on Zoom at 7.45am Tuesdays (Yang) and Fridays (Yin) – pm me for details.
In the hope that, with holidays over, there will be a few more attendees I have booked a bigger venue – The Sports Hall, Neville Campus, Hove Park School, Neville Road, Hove BN3 7BN. Plenty of parking if you go through the entrance gate, turn right and then left to get right round the back – see image below.

Usual format but in the middle hour I particularly want to work on Da Lu and see if anyone knows, or if we can work out together, a change that reverses the direction of turn rather than just swapping the two roles. Oh, and to do a lot more Jasnieres style free pushing hands with frequent changes of partner.
Hope to see you there.