September Advanced Workshop & October Beginners Course

Usual Advanced Workshop in Horsham this Saturday, 7th September. You need to be familiar with the Short Form and at least two styles of Pushing Hands before attending but ask me if in doubt.

If you are thinking of trying Tai Chi, the Autumn Beginners Course will run for 4 weeks from Thursday 3rd October. 8-9pm. Cost £50.00.

It will cover the first few moves of the Short Hand Form, some Pushing Hands, a little theory and a brief history of Taijiquan (to give it it’s proper name).

There will not(!) be a test at the end but after completing the course you can join the regular drop in group to extend your knowledge and practise for just £10pw. Contact me, details on the Classes Page, to reserve one of just 6 places available.

Ozymandius Meet Up

For those of you with some experience, an event not to be missed:-


Venue: The College of Richard Collyer, Horsham RH12 2EJ

Date: Early Spring Bank Holiday Weekend 4th-6th May

Three whole days of Wudang or Practical Tai Chi Chuan. Obviously you don’t have to do all of them.

Sessions will be lead by a number of Dan’s best known students from this country and abroad.

Click on the King of Kings above for details.

I can’t wait!

Tai Chi in the Park restarts on Tuesday 16th April 2024l

At last the trees are bursting into leaf and the evenings are staying lighter longer so it’s time for Taiji & Qigong in the park to re-start for the summer, even if it is still a bit chilly.

So, next Tuesday, 16th April, we will be in Wish Park 6.45-7.45pm and every week thereafter until Septemberish. The class is open to all abilities including complete beginners. If you want to find out what these mysterious Eastern arts are all about just come along and join us, no booking required, cost just £5.

If you want to know a bit more first look at the  About & Classes pages or contact me via the email/phone number thereon.

I’m looking forward to meeting old friends and making some new ones. See you there, just remember to dress for the weather!

Christmas 2022 & a Look Forward to 2023

Club training has finished for this year. Hopefully your personal training has not – keep up the great work! I have seen improvements in everyone and look forward to helping you progress along your Taijiquan pathway next year.

King Alfred classes re-start on Twelfth Night, Thursday 5th January 2023 AND there will be a Workshop for the more advanced students at Hove Park School from 2-5pm two days later on Saturday 7th. Usual format: 1st hour – Hand Forms, 2nd hour – Pushing Hands & Applications, 3rd hour – Weapons Forms & Applications. Cost now £10 per hour but still just £20 for the whole workshop.

I have advertised a Beginners Course starting on the 5th January and have had some interest so hopefully we shall have a few new members joining our ranks. If you are new to Taichi and have just found that this course is on please contact me to secure a place. Cost will be £10 per week.

Happy Christmas one and all and thanks for your support,


Beginners Qi-gong at home on Zoom

We should be starting Tai Chi in Wish Park for the summer on Tuesday 14th April 2020. That obviously isn’t going to happen so I have proposed to my students an “Introduction to Qi-gong” on Zoom. It is free and you only need enough space to stand and swing your arms so ideal for the present Lockdown situation. No previous experience is necessary so why not join us to learn a new skill ? One which I have found very useful recovering from illness when the demands of Taiji Nei-gong were just too much.

I shall base it on the (Immortal Family) Eight Pieces of Brocade or (Xian-jia) Ba-duan-jin. It comprises 8 exercises, simply because that’s a lucky number in China. Four of them have two parts so there are in fact 12 different movements but Shi-er-duan-jin would not be nearly as propitious!

Note that Qi-gong is not Tai-ji-quan though both are based on Daoist philosopy. Tai-ji-quan is a martial art which includes exercises to improve health, strength, fitness and well-being. Qi-gong is purely intended to improve health and well-being by regulating the breath and stimulating the three treasures or san-bao.

If you would like to learn more, and how to practice the Ba-duan-jin safely then join me on Tuesday evenings at 6.45.

To sign up just send me your name and mobile number. I will send you the link to the Zoom Client via WhatsApp or email. On Tuesday evening run the Zoom Client, enter the Meeting ID and Password I send out at 6.40pm and enjoy! You will be muted and you don’t even have to switch on your video at this stage but at about 7.15 I will un-mute you all for questions and chat.

January 2020 Beginners Tai Chi Course

Make a fresh start in the New Year learning this wonderful, ancient, martial art  with the Wish Wudang Tai Chi Club.

We are holding a 10 Week Beginners Course starting on Thursday 9th January 8-9pm at the King Alfred Leisure Centre. Cost £80 or £10 per week. No experience necessary.

You will learn the slow flowing pattern of movements known as the Hand Form. This is just the Yin or health giving side of the art but as you  progress you can also start to learn the Yang or martial side if you so wish.

Maximum 6 students. To reserve a place or get more information just call, text or email Tim.